We’re back with more Astro Babble Education! (I’ll get back to dragging the signs once we’ve covered the basics of chart reading).
Aspects are actually my favorite part of analysis of birth charts, because my chart became even more complex when I looked into how the planets were actually interacting with each other.
There are five major aspects, and some minor ones, but the major ones are the ones we focus on most of the time.
Conjunction- This is the strongest aspect; it shows that two planets or other celestial bodies occupy nearly the same space. Conjunctions are not always positive or easy! That amount of power has various effects!
Jupiter conjunct Venus is a powerful aspect because the two benefic planets (planets which offer rewards) are close to one another. The energy here is quite harmonious and lends itself to a pleasant experience. Overindulge and recklessness is possible, which is why it’s important to focus this energy well.
Jupiter conjunct Saturn can be a more difficult aspect because the two planets are not always very harmonious. There’s often a constant back and forth between potential and limitations.
Trine- (In my opinion) The most positive aspect. Planets are in healthy alignment, and the connection, even with malefic planets, is beneficial. Trines are at times referred to as ‘lazy aspects’ because of their ease. Trines don’t need to be activated, nor do they foster a sense of urgency. It’s very easy to rest on your laurels and be content when you have significant trine aspects.
Jupiter trine Venus has all of the benefits of Jupiter conjunct Venus, without many, or possibly any, of the drawbacks.
Jupiter trine Saturn gives a healthy balance between ambition and hard work. In this case, Jupiter supports Saturn and vice versa, allowing the positive side of each planet to shine through.
Sextile- Another harmonious aspect, less powerful than a Trine, but similar. The sextile aspect often represents a new opportunity that is quite easy to activate and reap the rewards.
Jupiter sextile Venus brings good fortune and love, and more balance than the trine aspect. There are a lot of opportunities that present themselves with a sextile, making it more actionable than a trine.
Jupiter sextile Saturn brings loyalty and sound judgment with the opportunities presented to you. Careful expansion of knowledge or wealth is a key facet of this aspect in a natal chart.
Square- It’s the second most dynamic (and the most difficult) aspect of them all. The planets are restless here, they’re tense and trying to assert dominance over one another. Squares often give positive and powerful rewards, but are hard fought and represent a major turning point, a point where you can’t ignore either planet’s influence. A t-square is slightly more manageable, since you can look to balance out the energies with the mid-point.
Jupiter square Venus is less painful because the two benefics aren’t really in the business of making people suffer. Motivation and discipline are difficult, and at times certain opportunities can be squandered because of a lack of focus.
Jupiter square Saturn means you struggle with freedom and limitations. Saturn is demanding you focus on every possible outcome while Jupiter is trying to get you to take a chance. Finding a balance between these two planets is crucial for your sanity.
Opposition- A very powerful aspect. A complete 180° bisection of a chart. The planets in the opposition aspect have a lot of work to do, but they have a unique ability to find each other’s strengths and balance each other out. Oppositions are seen as less difficult than squares because of that balancing aspect. Astrology is very focused on balance and opposites, and as I’ve mentioned in my earlier Astro babble posts, opposites often have far more in common than we think. They just express things differently.
Jupiter opposite Venus means you have success in all fields, but may lack a backbone. Things may always be more surface level, which may cause you to feel unfulfilled.
Jupiter opposite Saturn means you’re charismatic but cautious. Jupiter may give success for a while, then Saturn may step in to teach about limitations and restrictions. A lot of ups and downs and wins and losses.
In terms of aspects, conjunctions and squares are kind of the It Girls. With their dynamism and effect, conjunctions and squares have huge effects on the overall chart and planetary behaviors, which can shift the view of the chart in a big way.
There are three modalities in astrology: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable.
Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) are the starters. They’ve got energy and it gets expressed (usually) outwards. It’s why we get a burst of energy during Aries season, coinciding with the beginning of spring. It’s why we end the year making resolutions and begin our year with goals in mind (Capricorn). Cancer (usually) represents our mothers, and who do we (usually) look to to lead? Libras take the lead in finding balance and steering people forward. Cardinal signs are like babies, even the Capricorns, which makes sense because they represent beginnings. There’s no stopping them, because they don’t consider the challenges or difficulties they may have to face, because all they can think of is doing. Starting. These signs are restless and full of energy. If they aren’t doing, they get anxious and overwhelmed.
Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) are the preservers. Their energy reserves are not focused outward, but inward. We slow down and smell the roses during Taurus season. We focus on ourselves and shining a light in our accomplishments during Leo season. We plumb the depths of our emotions during Scorpio season. We seek to expand and transform our minds during Aquarius season. When the cardinal signs have grown bored of the project they started, and the mutable signs are are juggling seventeen different ideas in their heads, the fixed signs are perfecting. They’re making sure things stand the test of time.
Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) are the creators. They shift and change with the wind. Their restlessness comes from staying in one place, or doing one thing for too long. We find ourselves speaking and thinking at a million miles an hour during their seasons. Their seasons feel more intangible, like we’re floating somewhat. Gemini season is the beginning of the summer break for most people in the northern hemisphere. The future, in all its glory, is wide open. Virgo season brings the return to school, and all the brand new possibilities that that new year will bring. Sagittarius season bridges fall and winter, loudly urging people to remember all the things they said they’d do before the year ended. Pisces season brings introspection and acceptance of endings, because you can’t start anew without clearing the way for something else to come about. Mutable signs are always thinking. Something can be improved there, there’s something to change somewhere, there’s always something to learn somewhere. Mutable signs are future-oriented, and are flexible beyond compare.
Chart Example
To another friend’s chart: I asked her to let me use her chart to explain aspects because she has an aspect pattern that is very intense. She has both a Grand Cross and a Grand Trine.
A Grand Cross is when four planets are square, and thus all of the planetary energies are constantly creating tension with one another. Grand Crosses are always in one of three categories: Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn; the “heavy-handed”), Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius; the “inflexible”), or Mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces; the “flighty”).
Generally speaking, mutable squares are the easiest to manage, because mutable signs are known for flexibility. Cardinal and fixed signs… are not.
Her Libra Ascendant, Capricorn Jupiter, Cancer Midheaven, Cancer Mars, and Aries Saturn are all forming a Cardinal Grand Cross.
She wants to do everything. She is one of the brightest people I know, a classic overachiever. But it’s like she’s Superman without any training. Her inner desires may be around bringing change to herself and those around her, but she has to manage all of the planetary energies that are constantly warring within her.
And considering this cross contains her ascendant and midheaven, she is constantly warring between who she is and what she presents.
But! She also has a grand trine!
A grand trine is when three planets are trine with each other, and the flow between the three of them is easy and unobstructed. Grand tribes are elemental, so it’s either three fire, water, air, or earth signs.
Her grand trine is between her Moon, Ascendant, and Uranus. This means her emotions and inner life, her approach to life, and her originality and freedom are all in an easy connection, which shows that she doesn’t ever lose sight of herself. It’s also an air trine, which means she communicates easily and comfortably.
This aspect means that while her ascendant might be squaring off with her Mars, and causing others to perceive her as egotistical or aggressive, the trine is helping soften a bit of that perception, causing people to see her as passionate instead. She is a phenomenal public speaker.
Aspects are a huge part of chart reading, because the planets are constantly communicating with each other. For example, I have both Sun trine Jupiter and Moon trine Saturn aspects, which shifts the way you would interpret my chart. Remember, nothing can be assessed alone. A difficult aspect between two planets doesn’t always mean the end of the world.
If you want to see yours, head over to astro.com or astro-seek.com to get your birth chart and see what aspects you have! It’s a really helpful way to go further in depth in studying and understanding your chart.